Produce More Electrical Estimates

Everyone needs to produce more estimates. Not just more estimates but more quality estimates. The struggle is to keep up with your bid request while keeping mistakes out of your estimates. Shorter bid dates, the quantity of request and keeping track of the work you already have is becoming more challenging for all of us.

There really isn’t an easy way around this. You either need to get better at estimating, work longer hours, hire more estimators or change the way you are creating your estimates.

If you are not using electrical estimating software this should be your first step. By using software you can speed up the estimating process while eliminating costly math errors.

Purchasing electrical estimating software alone does not solve the issue. You must devote time to learn how to master the software and make it work for you.

There are so many choices to choose from and they are not all created equal. This site is developed to help you choose which product is for you.

After choosing your software be determined to spend the quality time needed to learn it.

This will pay dividends the rest of your working career.

Electrical estimating software will not only speed your estimating time up but will give you the tools need to track your projects after you win then.

Never quit learning!